December Member Sale
We are so glad to be able to finally announce that we will be having a Member Sale this year.
It will be a Member Sale, a Holiday Party, and our official Grand Opening Party as Green & Bisque Clayhouse!
It’s going to be a heckuva good time. You won’t want to miss it.
Preliminary Sign-up for Holiday Member Sale
We are opening up sign-ups for the Holiday Member Sale. Don’t worry, there will be other opportunities to sign up! This is just to help us gather some information as we begin the planning process. GBC will be taking the standard commission cut with a slight increase for table/booth prices as well. The configuration of the tables may be different than how it’s been in previous years. We ask that you not make any special requests on location as we will not be able to fairly accommodate everyone.
Thank you for your time in helping us plan this exciting event!