Become a Vendor!
Holiday Market 2023
Saturday, December 2nd and Sunday, December 3rd
Pre-Registration Vendor Orientation:
Sunday, August 20th
Time: 10am
Please cancel by October 1st to receive 100$ deposit back
Mandatory Vendor Orientation:
Sunday, October 8th
Time: 10am
Set-Up Date (mandatory):
Friday, December 1st
Holiday Market Dates:
Saturday, December 2nd
10am to 6pm
Sunday, December 3rd
10am to 4pm
Clean-Up (mandatory):
Sunday, December 3rd @ 4pm
* Bisque Deadline:
* Glaze Deadline:
* Luster Deadline:
Do I have to bring my own table or tent?
Nope! Tables are provided for all vendors. All tables come with one chair. For all outdoor vendors, the entire outdoor market area will be shaded with large tents.
Why do I have to come set-up before the Holiday Market and clean-up afterwards?
We think coming together as a community and tackling the set up and clean up process together is part of what makes our studio sale so unique and fun. Being able to do it together takes hardly any time at all and it also helps to cut costs which means we are able to keep the table prices low for you and keep the percentage cut at 20%.Does GBC take a cut of all sales?
Yes. We take a 20% cut from each vendor. Please feel free to price your work with that in mind.Can I share a table with someone?
Yes, of course!Can I bring a friend/family member to help me?
Yes, of course! The more the merrier - especially during set up and clean up. Please note that we will only be able to guarantee one chair per table. If we have extras, you are more than welcome to use it.Can I use Venmo/Zelle for my sales transactions?
Yes, you may. We trust that you will be honorable and honest. We do ask for a print out of your sales report by Monday, December 12th. Payments received after December 12th will be assessed a 50$ late fee per day. Any returned checks will result in a 50$ handling fee.I can’t make it to the set-up day, I have to work.
It’s okay! We totally understand that Friday is a work day for most people. Please let us know ahead of time if you can’t make it and please be sure you are able to help clean up and put the studio back together on Sunday after the sale.How many visitors come to the Holiday Market?
We’re not sure but definitely in the hundreds. Last year, vendors made over $100k in sales.

The Holiday Season is right around the corner, can you believe it?
What better time than now to showcase
your skill and passion as a ceramic artist!
Please read important information below.
Member Registration begins on:
Friday, September 1st at 11:50am
Non-Member Registration begins on:
Friday, September 1st at 12pm
Please cancel by October 1st to receive 100$ deposit back
Refund Policy:
Sorry, there are NO refunds this year.
Mandatory Vendor Orientation:
Sunday, October 8th
Time: 10am
Please view the floor plans below.
We strongly recommend viewing
on a desktop rather than smartphone.
Click on underlined table number to purchase.
If page says “there are no appointment types available for scheduling”,
it means the table you selected has already been reserved.
Please make another selection.
Parking Lot Vendor Tables
(outdoor with large tent enclosing the entire lot)
Click on image to enlarge
STANDARD TABLES (6’ x 2.5’):
Each table counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase additional standard table or L-shape table immediately next to desired table.
TO-1 (may purchase TO-2 or L2)
TO-2 (may purchase TO-1 or L3)
TO-3 (may purchase TO-8)
TO-5 (may purchase TO-6)
TO-6 (may purchase TO-5)
TO-7 (Next to Shared Packing Table)
TO-8 (may purchase TO-3)
TO-9 (may purchase TO-10 or L1)
TO-10 (may purchase TO-9 or L4)
TO-11 (may purchase TO-12 or L8)
TO-12 (may purchase TO-11 or L5)
TO-13 (may purchase TO-18)
TO-14 (Next to Shared Packing Table)
TO-15 (may purchase TO-16)
TO-16 (may purchase TO-15)
TO-18 (may purchase TO-13)
TO-19 (may purchase TO-20 or L7)
TO-20 (may purchase TO-19 or L6)
These tables count as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase standard table next to L-shape table.
L1 (may purchase TO-9 only)
L2 (may purchase TO-1 only)
L3 (may purchase TO-1 only)
L4 (may purchase TO-10 only)
L5 (may purchase TO-12 only)
L6 (may purchase TO-19 only)
L7 (may purchase TO-20 only)
L8 (may purchase TO-11 only)
Main Studio Vendor Tables
Click on image to enlarge
(IMPORTANT NOTE: These are no longer tall work tables. They are standard tables)
Each table counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase additional table immediately next to desired tables.
T 1 (may purchase T2 or T4)
T 2 (may purchase T1 or T3)
T 3 (may purchase T4 or T2)
T 4 (may purchase T3 or T1)
T 5 (may purchase T6 or T8)
T 6 (may purchase T5 or T7)
T 7 (may purchase T6 or T8)
T 8 (may purchase T5 or T7)
T 9 (may purchase T10 or T12)
T 10 (may purchase T11 or T12)
T 11 (may purchase T10 or T12)
T 12 (may purchase T9 or T11)
STANDARD TABLES (6’ x 2.5’):
Each table counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase additional standard table or L-shape table immediately next to desired table.
T 14 (may also purchase L10)
T 15 (may also purchase T16 or L9)
T 16 (may also purchase T15 or L10)
T 17
These tables count as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase standard table next to L-shape table.
L9 (may purchase either T13 or T15)
L10 (may purchase either T16 or T14)
These tables count as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase both.
H1 (may purchase H2)
H2 (may purchase H1)
Each glaze rack counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase additional rack immediately next to desired glaze rack.
G1 (may also purchase G2)
G2 (may also purchase G1 or G3)
G3 (may also purchase G2)
TWO TIER MEDIAN TABLES (tables between wheels):
Each median table counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase up to two median tables.
M1 & M2 (sold as one space, *price update $195 total)
M3 & M4 (sold as one space, *price update $195 total)
Each counter table counts as ONE table.
Vendor may purchase up to two counter tables.
C1 (may also purchase C2)
C2 (may also purchase either C1 or C3)
C3 (may also purchase either C2 or C4)
C4 (may also purchase C3)

Cancellation Policy:
Due to popular demand,
please cancel by
Friday, October 1st
Important Information:
Registration Day for GBC Members: Friday, September 1st at 11:50am
Members, you will receive an email containing a private link to a website page that will only be sent to Members. Please do not send this link to anyone before 12pm!
We highly recommend looking at the floor plan on our website HERE ahead of time and making note of at least 5 table choices before registration opens up. We believe tables are going to fill up very quickly this year. If your table options fill up before you are able to register, rest assured that there really isn't a bad seat in the house!
We also strongly recommend having your credit card ready! Sometimes tables get snatched up as people are typing in their credit card information.
Registration Day for Non-GBC Members: Friday, September 1st at 12pm
The reason we are opening registration up to the public earlier than usual is to give those outside of our immediate community an opportunity to participate
There were a lot of non-GBC Members at the orientation on Saturday and it made us happy to see that The Clayhouse is a community so many people want to be a part of!
NEW POLICY: 100$ DEPOSIT - Please read:
A $100 deposit must be made by all vendors!
At the registration page, be sure to select the "add-on" at the bottom of the page to make the $100 deposit. Your table will NOT be confirmed if you do not select the $100 deposit option.
The 100$ will be applied to the 20% commission to the studio from your sales but ONLY if you actively participate in setting up the studio before the market and assisting with the clean up afterward.
Please be sure to check in and out with a staff member before leaving in order to validate your participation and receive the 100$ credit.
The reason behind the policy - Over the past years, we've observed instances where some vendors, unfortunately including studio members, left before assisting with the studio clean-up. This understandably created an inequitable situation for those who stayed behind to restore the studio space. Our market's unique spirit thrives on collaboration, community, and shared responsibility. By implementing this policy, we aim to ensure that everyone actively contributes to the set up and clean up, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and mutual support among our vendors.
Our market’s reputation is built upon its vibrant and inclusive community. The positive energy and collaborative efforts contribute to the market’s appeal - drawing inquiries and admiration from attendees and prospective members alike. Your participation not only benefits this year’s event but also plays a crucial role in shaping our market’s legacy. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
This year, we regret to inform you that we will not be issuing refunds for table fees.
We understand that circumstances can change and cancellations may become necessary. If you decide to cancel your participation, please do so by October 1st. Cancellations made by October 1st will only receive a refund on the 100$ deposit - the table fee itself is non-refundable.
The decision to implement this policy is based on the challenges we've faced in the past with participants reserving multiple tables only to cancel at the last minute. These cancellations have made it difficult for us to fill empty tables causing a disservice to both our vendors and the overall community spirit of the market. We believe that a successful market relies on a diverse range of makers and their products - attracting audiences from various communities.
We kindly ask all vendors to be thoughtful and certain about their table selection. As the event draws near, it becomes increasingly challenging for us to keep track of table changes. The preparations leading up to the market demand our team's full attention and we appreciate your cooperation in minimizing any confusion.
If you're considering a table swap with another vendor, please coordinate directly with one another. Again, managing table changes can become chaotic especially as the event date approaches.
Saturday, December 2nd: 10am to 6pm
Sunday, December 3rd: 10am to 4pm
Reminder: Please park as far away from the studio as possible during sale days to maximize parking availability for the valued customers. This thoughtful gesture improves access to parking for all attendees.
Friday, December 1st at 10am
What to expect:
Tents will be set up during the week leading up to the market just like last year
We will be transforming the entire studio into a magical Holiday Market Wonderland! ie: move all wheels into the hiding areas, get tables and chairs from attic spaces, set up tables, etc.
Vendors may begin setting up only when GBC staff gives everyone the OK. All indoor and outdoor spaces must be ready before vendors can begin setting up their tables.
Vendors must participate in the setting up process. We know it's work but this is what being part of the community is all about! Please remember to check in with a staff member during set up day so that staff can take note of who was present for community set up.
Given that it is still a work day, please notify staff ahead of time if you will not be able to participate in community set up day. Vendors who do not participate in set up and clean up will not be invited back to participate in future Holiday Markets and will not be credited the $100 deposit.
ALL vendors must be set up by 5pm on Friday. Studio will close at 6pm.
GBC members may stay later to set up but this is strongly discouraged. We want to minimize the risk of any mishaps.
Sunday, December 3rd at 4pm
What to expect:
Tents will not need to be dismantled. This will be done the week after the Holiday Market.
Vendors may begin packing up their work as soon as the Holiday Market comes to a close.
Please pack up any leftover inventory as quickly as you can and clear off tables as quickly as you can. This allows us to break down the tables and begin the processing of putting them back in the attic. We need tables to be put away in order for the wheels and everything else to be moved back into their usual places.
Clean up goes by fast when we have all hands on deck. We know everyone wants to go home at this point - so do we!
Tables, chairs, wrapping area (we do not provide wrapping material - please bring your own or go halfsies with a fellow vendor), tents in outdoor areas, printed marketing material, social media marketing, and all the vibes
We will have several different food and beverage vendors along with music!
Marketing: if you would like a custom promotional card containing images of your work to post or send to friends and family, please submit pictures of your work no later than November 1st to bridgette@gbclayhouse.com.
Priced ceramic pieces. Be sure to bring enough for 2 full days of sales
Packaging supplies
Props and displays:
Full length tablecloths to hide inventory under tables, hanging mechanisms (NO hanging from tents), crates, portable shelving units, banners/signage (please do NOT pin or nail anything into the walls of the studio), about the artist sign, business cars, and a small table for packing sold work if you are not located near a packing station (see floorplan on website).
Storage for your inventory: under table space or surrounding areas if there is space available to do so
Be mindful of neighboring vendors
Storing work in cars is also a great option!
To obtain a temporary resale license, go to: onlineservices.cdtfa.ca.gov/
This is very easy to do, please don't feel intimidated. It takes less than 5 minutes!
Square (preferred method)
Venmo, Zelle, Paypal
We recommend turning off your wifi during the Holiday Market and using your cellular service for uninterrupted transactions
This is an honor system - please be honorable!
Sale reports and payment due on Monday, December 11th
GBC will receive a 20% cut from each vendor BEFORE tax
Please make checks payable to: CLAY STUDIO OF PASADENA, LLC. (NOT Green & Bisque Clayhouse).
Email and/or print ALL transaction reports from ALL sales to: janisse@gbclayhouse.com
Transaction reports % sales must be submitted by Monday, December 11th
There will be a $50/day late fee
% of sales BEFORE tax
Sunday, October 8th at 10am at Green & Bisque Clayhouse
If you weren't able to make it to the Pre-Registration Orientation, don't worry! We have another one planned and will be covering even more as we gear up for the Holiday Market. Looking forward to seeing everyone then!
Bisque Deadline: Monday, November 13th
Glaze Deadline: Monday, November 20th
Luster Deadline: Monday, November 27th
Please, please, please start making work now! We're opening registration super early this year for a reason - we want everyone to start getting their creative juices flowing and processing their work. Yes, we get it, thinking about the Holiday Market in the scorching August heat might feel a bit odd but starting now gives everyone a leg up to prevent any hiccups. Your early efforts will pay off big time when the Holiday Market rolls around!
Of course we will continue firing every day until the last second after the deadlines but there is no guarantee that your pieces will be ready in time for the Holiday Market so again, please start making and processing sooner rather than later!
Vendor Information
Vendor Waiting List
If you didn’t get a chance to purchase a table space and would like to be on the waiting list, please fill out this form.
We will contact you if something opens up!